Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's Resolution

So it is about time to update. So I thought I would start off with excuses for not updating more recently:
1)With my father's estate driving me crazy-trying to sell his house in this economy is horrible! So I have had to take on a renter.
2)I got depressed and very I joined a weight loss "Biggest Loser" in our town. I am in the top three...almost lost 25 lbs so far...two weeks to go...can I be the biggest loser?
3)Have an almost three year old that is very time consuming...but awesome!
4)Have a very ailing grandmother that we continually expect "the call" any day (but has been this way for a year now)
5)I am lazy!

Ok, now that I have given all of my excuses for not getting my butt in gear, I hearby resolve that I will update here more regularly. I have my kiln torn apart and parts are ready to send to FL. Tony will be sending the parts to be checked and fixed this week, so I am hopeful that as soon as my kiln (which hasn't been a priority) gets back in working order I can get to it and show off a lot of goodies! I am seriously missing it and needing to take the time out for myself to do it!

So there you have it...I will be better, I promise. Oh, and Happy Birthday Tony!!!

PS Hello Patricia, Linda Lee, and Lori...I know you guys check me out to see if I have updated. Miss you all!


Kitties & Cupcakes said...

Yay! A post from Rhonda! I hope things look up for you soon. I understand completely. I am glad you found a renter. I am trying to lose some weight too. My thyroid is all wacky again, and whatever I eat seems to make me expand. I put on 10 pounds over the past 5 months. I hope your kiln gets put back together soon. I believe creating can be therapeutic and will help take your mind off of things, and give you something to feel good about. Take care sweetie! ~Lori

Patricia Weppler said...

Hey Rhonda! I just discovered your update. Hope things settle down so you can play again! I took a break for a few months and am back to making jewelry again. Miss seeing you around. Why don't you move to New York!!! xoxox